Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric power plant
Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric power plant





The Cerro del Águila HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located on the Mantaro River in the districts of Colcabamba and Surcubamba, within the Province of Tayacaja and Region of Huancavelica, in central Peru. The Project will be located downstream of the Mantaro hydroelectric complex. The Project is an independent activity from the Mantaro hydroelectric complex, being its only connection the water flow of the Mantaro River that both use for electricity generation; therefore share the resources of the same basin. The Project consists of a new hydropower station with an estimated installed capacity of 510 MW and a projected yearly average generation of 3.038 GWh. The main structure of the Project will include a dam (80m), tunnel (5.7 km), surge tank, powerhouse and substation. The surface area of the Project’s reservoir, at the full water level, is 1.842.500 sqm.
Sisgeo Latinoamerica has carried out the final monitoring system design, has supplied and installed the instruments and has connected them to the OMNIAlog automatic data logger.

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