Sisgeo Corporate 2018

Sisgeo Corporate 2018

Nothing is our world is ever still. Everything lives, transforms and moves. Can you hear it? Sisgeo, thanks to its continuous technological innovation, listens to the world around us, understands it and develops and proposes efficient solutions in geotechnical field for 25 years. The attention to detail, from the design to the engineering, makes Sisgeo […]

Paleontological expedition in Mongolia

This is the short version of our paleontological expedition experience that was held in Mongolia in 2013. The full video is available on our YouTube channel following this link: https://youtu.be/DKl3QU0ASds

Costa Concordia Rescue operations

This video shows the simple preliminary operation to place displacement transducers on underwater jacks. Sisgeo is involved many other monitoring works for the rescuing of Costa Concordia.